Year Around Living
- give to and buy at the FUMC rummage sale
- invest in a sustainable way and divest of fossil fuels
- advocate for empowerment of women, which leads to a sustainable population
- share a ride to church
- drink tap water, not bottled water
- buy local produce
- learn about bees and pesticides
- sign a petition for the environment online
- reuse bags
- fix water leaks
- turn off lights not in use
- choose to walk
- start a compost pile
- buy Eco cleaning supplies
- start an indoor worm composting bin
- dry your clothes on a clothesline or clothesrack
- recycle more
- ride a bike
- plant trees
- insulate the home
- install solar panels or sign up for community solar
- read a book on the environment
- get an energy audit
- use public transportation
- use efficient light bulbs
- adjust the thermostat
- maintain tire pressure
- cut back on meat, especially beef
- start a garden, or join a local co-op
- write letters to legislators about an environmental issue
- sign on-line petitions
- join the EcoTeam!