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First United Methodist Church
of East Greenbush


We recognize that people come through our doors for many reasons. Some may come with family or friends, others are new to the community and are looking for a church home; and some may be seeking comfort and guidance during a time of trouble or concern.

Whatever brought you to us, we are thankful and we want you to know that our hearts, our minds and our doors are always open and that all are welcome in God’s house.

stick forming cross and house with a red heart inside.
Chapel in the Woods

Worship Services

Early worship services will be held on Sundays at 8:30 AM beginning the first Sunday in May until the First Sunday in October (Blessings of the Animals Sunday). Services are held in the Chapel in the Woods, weather permitting. During inclement weather, services are held inside the church.

Our traditional service is at 9:30 AM.  You may attend in person, or watch the service live streamed from YouTube or on Facebook Live.

What to Expect

Worship Service

The 9:30 a.m. traditional service is about an hour long.


A nursery for infants and young children is available.


There is a large parking lot for off-street parking.


Some people get dressed up and others wear jeans.

Skye Farm Fundraiser February 8, 2025

Skye Farm Foundation annual fundraising dinner this Saturday, Feb. 8 at Shenendehowa UMC

Join us at 5:30 PM on Saturday, Feb. 8 at the Shenendehowa UMC, 971 Route 146, Clifton Park for the second annual fundraising dinner for the Skye Farm Camp and Retreat Center Foundation. Doors open at 5 PM.

The evening will include a full turkey dinner, silent auction, awards for a church and individuals for their support of Skye Farm, singing, reports on the camping program from last summer and plans for summer 2025 and lots of fun. Tickets are $25 per person and are available on the Skye Farm website

Seating is limited to 165 people, so please make your reservation soon. 

Church Events

Wednesday, February 5 – 7:00 PM  

Our Storyteller will be Vivian Kornegay, Housing Coordinator, Albany County Sheriff’s Homeless Improvement Program. (S.H.I.P.)

Join us for an uplifting story about assisting residents with job and housing searches. 

Saturday, February 8 – 11:00 AM

A memorial service celebrating the life of Matie Flowers is planned for 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 8 at our church with a luncheon reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, February 23

The Art Show committee is holding a “We All Love Art” coffee hour on February 23. Our Valentine themed social hour will be fun and busy. You can help us raise funds to purchase our own easels by giving a donation for one of Barb Morse’s beautiful heart-shaped cookies, posing for a digital photo in our festive booth, or help to sponsor an easel purchase. Valentine card-making supplies will be on hand so you can create a special Valentine.  There is also a chance to win a prize if you can correctly guess the number of Jellybeans in the Jar.

Saturday, April 5,  2:00 – 4:00 PM