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First United Methodist Church
of East Greenbush


We recognize that people come through our doors for many reasons. Some may come with family or friends, others are new to the community and are looking for a church home; and some may be seeking comfort and guidance during a time of trouble or concern.

Whatever brought you to us, we are thankful and we want you to know that our hearts, our minds and our doors are always open and that all are welcome in God’s house.

stick forming cross and house with a red heart inside.
Chapel in the Woods

Worship Services

Early worship services are Sundays at 8:30 AM.
Services are held in the Chapel in the Woods, weather permitting. During inclement weather, services are held inside the church.

Our traditional service is at 9:30 AM.  You may attend in person, or watch the service live streamed from YouTube or on Facebook Live.

Storytelling Night

Storytelling night Person standing on a rock reaching down to help another person climbing up.

On Wednesday evening, September 4 at 7:00, we will welcome our storyteller, Joe Watroba, a cancer survivor who shares a compelling story about “Play It Foreward 518”, a non-profit organization his family established to support local children and their families facing illness and hardship through diversion activities and experiences.  All are welcome! Refreshments will be served. 

Learn more about PlayItForeward518.

Woman looking at an open book with showing a bridge and a boat on water.We are people of story. Our traditions, religions, histories, and biographies are compilations of stories told and received, handed down, edited, redacted, metaphorized, dreamed up. Storytelling Night is a monthly evening of food, fellowship, and storytelling. We gather monthly around the stories of people. And, we believe that each story – of our fears, of our hopes, of our lives, of our families, of our undoing, of our renaissance, of our redemption – can be inspiring to us and to others . . .

What to Expect

Worship Service

The 9:30 a.m. traditional service is about an hour long.


A nursery for infants and young children is available.


There is a large parking lot for off-street parking.


Some people get dressed up and others wear jeans.

Church Events

The Tuesday Zoom Bible Adventure nights with Pastor Danyal are canceled for now.  

Check back for an update on when they will begin. 

Sunday, September 8 – Rally Day

Our first Sunday back in the Sanctuary will be Sunday, September 8 with the Worship Service starting at 9:30am and Early Service at 8:30am.  We welcome back our Sunday School and our Sanctuary Choir.  We will also be celebrating Communion.  

Sunday, September 15 – Glass and Styrofoam Recycling Day

We will collect the following items at the parking lot garage for ½ HOUR BEFORE AND AFTER THE 9:30 AM SERVICE:

  • Clear, green and blue glass bottles and jars. They must be clean. Labels are okay.
  • Clean Styrofoam, free of tape and staples. Items that were used for food or drink, no matter how clean, are not accepted.


Friday, September 27,  Coffee House- 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Contributions help underwrite the Family Assistance Ministry which helps provide food, funds for medicine, gas and a helping hand in times of financial and family stress.