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Sunday School

The children of our church are called to know and share God’s unconditional Love.

In our Sunday school and youth programs, we seek to help our children and youth develop and practice Christian values and faith in their lives, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ through activities and outreach.

We Strive To:

To make each child feel welcomed and loved.

To give each child the opportunity to learn about God at their own pace.

To celebrate each child’s uniqueness and individuality.

Sunday School Classes

Sunday School classes are held from 9:30  -10:30 AM coinciding with Sunday Morning Worship services.

NEW – This year we have developed a Google Classroom to help families keep up to date on what the children are learning in class. We will also post upcoming events, and activities children can continue to learn at home. If you missed a class, this is where you can find the lesson!

Preschool: Ages 3-5, including Kindergarten.

Our preschool classroom is designed around song, storytelling, hands on activities, and a short bible lesson. The children gather for a story on the rug before heading to the tables to work on a craft. We encourage free play, and singing biblical songs together. The children end class with a prayer, before heading to fellowship hall for a treat.

Younger Elementary: Grades 1-3

Children in our younger elementary classroom enjoy gathering for “chocolate time” in the Sanctuary before heading to their classroom. Our class is designed to teach the children about the people and books of the Bible. Each week the children learn about why Jesus wanted us to know about a certain person, and where we can find the lesson within the Bible. We enjoy hands-on activities, along with song and praise. We always end our class with entering “the attitude of prayer” to get us prepared for the week ahead.

Older Elementary: Grades 4-8

Our older elementary children mimic a similar set up to the younger elementary with a more advanced lesson. Our goal as teachers is to get the children talking more and interacting with their peers while learning the lesson. In this class, each child brings their Bible with them, and we encourage them to find the verse themselves and read it aloud, make notes, or mark the page for home use.  Our lessons are designed from a Methodist based  curriculum and created to fit the age level. We enjoy building the children’s faith in the older elementary classroom.

Youth: Grades 9-12

Our Youth classroom is designed for the high school age group. In this classroom, we encourage the children to attend service in the Sanctuary. The lesson Pastor delivers each week reaches people of all ages. We also encourage the youth aged kids to help in the younger classrooms. This creates relationships that can last a lifetime.

If you would like to join our Sunday School email list, send an email request to

Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class is available for children entering the 8th grade. Our confirmation classes run from October-May. If you have a child who is interested in joining our confirmation class, we ask that you reach out to the Christian Education Director- Lauren Lehmann.

Youth Group

Separate from Sunday School, we have a Youth Group class designed for children 5-12th grade.  

Youth Group meets twice a month. We base our meetings on two main lessons: Curriculum and Community. Our Curriculum based meet-ups are an in person Bible Study lesson, where the children dive into the Bible and focus on a single bible verse. We encourage the children to ask questions, give feedback, and reach their full potential in meaning. Our Community meet-ups are designed to get the children out into our local community, and perform a type of community service. This may be raking leaves in the fall, helping at an elders home during the holidays, running a Red Cross blood drive, or simply assisting in a community event.