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2021 Financial Commitment Campaign

Thank you for your continued support of the First United Methodist Church in East Greenbush this year.  We are facing unprecedented challenges and have quickly changed the way we worship together and share our ministries.  Even during these difficult times, our ministries and worship have continued.  For example, our worship services have been the “anchor in the storm” during these turbulent times for me.  Our church could not have made these quick changes to the way our ministries are provided without your generous giving.  

The next year brings continued challenges to our church as we face uncertainties.  While we are grateful for the generous giving over this past year, we know that the next year will be difficult as we deal with reduced income due our inability to hold services and use our building to its full capacity.  We urge you to consider making a pledge to the church during this Campaign.  Your commitment through your pledge enables us to plan for next year and demonstrates your commitment to our church.  You may return your pledge card to church any Sunday from November 8 through Commitment Sunday on November 22 or send it to church by mail.  Online giving is also available at or through the GivePlus App.  Even if you give online or through the App, please complete and return a pledge card. 

Our Financial Commitment Campaign will be slightly different due to the different way our church services are held this year.  We will share some thoughts on giving and different ministries your supports during the church services on November 8th, 15th and 22nd.  We will also be sharing some information on different ministries during the campaign on the church’s Facebook Group.


Colleen Rumsey,
Finance Committee Chair