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First United Methodist Church
of East Greenbush


We recognize that people come through our doors for many reasons. Some may come with family or friends, others are new to the community and are looking for a church home; and some may be seeking comfort and guidance during a time of trouble or concern.

Whatever brought you to us, we are thankful and we want you to know that our hearts, our minds and our doors are always open and that all are welcome in God’s house.

stick forming cross and house with a red heart inside.
Chapel in the Woods

Worship Services

Early worship services will be held on Sundays at 8:30 AM beginning the first Sunday in May until the First Sunday in October (Blessings of the Animals Sunday). Services are held in the Chapel in the Woods, weather permitting. During inclement weather, services are held inside the church.

Our traditional service is at 9:30 AM.  You may attend in person, or watch the service live streamed from YouTube or on Facebook Live.

What to Expect

Worship Service

The 9:30 a.m. traditional service is about an hour long.


A nursery for infants and young children is available.


There is a large parking lot for off-street parking.


Some people get dressed up and others wear jeans.

Church Events

Sunday, February 23

Join us after church for a Waffle Breakfast hosted by our Confirmation Class! The breakfast is FREE and all are welcome to join us for fellowship and delicious waffles in the Fellowship Hall after worship services. Any donations you would like to give will be used to support our Confirmation Class.

Sunday, March 2 – 11:00 AM

Kristina Clark, Conference Director of Missional Engagement, will present on the United Methodist Committee on Relief. She will talk about UMCOR in NY, in the USA, and in the world. Her talk will include how UMCOR decides which disasters to respond to, how it coordinates with other relief organizations, its funding sources and how it decides which countries to send missionaries to. Her presentation will be given by ZOOM and will be held in the choir room. She will give a 30-minute presentation with 10 minutes for questions.

Friday, March 21 – 7:00 PM

The winds of March will blow in the melodies and chords of the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Coffee House on Friday, March 21. We will gather at 7:00 PM and fill the Fellowship Hall with laughter, songs, stories and delicious desserts.  Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring your family.  We look forward to seeing you.  A basket at the entrance will collect your contributions to the Family Assistant Ministry and help those in need of food, gas, medicine, and other life sustaining support.T

Saturday, April 5,  2:00 – 4:00 PM