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Message from the Pastor

Pastor Danyal Mohammadzadeh

Harvest and Gratitude: A Wesleyan Reflection

As we gather to celebrate the harvest season, it is a perfect time to reflect on the blessings we’ve received and the spirit of gratitude that John Wesley so passionately taught. Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed deeply in the importance of recognizing God’s abundant grace in our lives and responding with heartfelt thankfulness.

Wesley once said, “Thanksgiving is inseparable from true prayer; it is almost essentially connected with it.”  This reminds us that gratitude should be at the core of our spiritual practice, intertwined with our prayers and daily reflections.

In this season of harvest, we are reminded of the fruits of our labor and the bounty that God provides. It’s a time to give thanks not only for the physical harvest but also for the spiritual and communal blessings we enjoy. Wesley’s teachings encourage us to see every good gift as a sign of God’s love and to respond with generosity and joy.

At First United Methodist Church of East Greenbush, let us embrace this time to express our gratitude through acts of kindness, service, and giving. Whether it’s sharing a meal with a neighbor, volunteering our time, or supporting church initiatives, each act of gratitude helps to build a stronger, more loving community.

We are called to be faithful stewards of the blessings we have received. Stewardship is not just about financial giving; it encompasses our time, talents, and treasures. Each act of generosity, no matter how small, contributes to the greater good and furthers God’s work in our community. Wesley famously advised, “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” This simple yet profound guidance encourages us to work diligently, manage our resources prudently, and give generously. By doing so, we honor God with our finances and support the mission of the church.

Let us consider how we can embody this spirit of stewardship in our daily lives. Whether through volunteering, supporting church initiatives, or helping a neighbor in need, every contribution makes a difference.

As we celebrate this harvest season, may we be ever mindful of Wesley’s call to live lives of thankfulness and generosity, recognizing that in giving thanks, we draw closer to God and to one another.

Pastor Danyal