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Message from the Pastor

Pastor Danyal Mohammadzadeh

Embracing the Words of Jesus

As we embark on the sacred journey of Lent, it is a time for reflection, renewal, and deepening our faith. Today, approximately 2.4 billion people around the world identify as followers of Jesus. Additionally, 1.9 billion Muslims honor Jesus as a prophet, and countless others, regardless of their faith or lack thereof, regard Jesus as a profound moral teacher. Yet, despite this widespread recognition, many people are unfamiliar with the core teachings of Jesus. Often, what people believe Jesus taught is not found in the Gospels. When Christians summarize their faith, they frequently focus on Jesus’ death and resurrection, but there is so much more to His message.

The Gospels reveal that Jesus’ teachings are profoundly significant. The four New Testament Gospels contain around twenty-five thousand unique words spoken by Jesus. Simon Peter recognized the importance of these teachings when he declared, “You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

These words of eternal life are not just historical artifacts; they are living and active, meant to guide and transform us today. To truly follow Jesus, it is not enough to acknowledge His death and resurrection. We must also immerse ourselves in His teachings about God and God’s will for humanity. We are called to embrace these words and strive to live by them.

This Lent, we invite you to join us in a sermon series dedicated to exploring the words of Jesus designed by Adam Hamilton. Together, we will delve into the major themes and most significant ideas that Jesus imparted throughout the Gospels. Adam Hamilton’s series, “The Message of Jesus,” will guide us through six Sundays in Lent 2025, each focusing on a different aspect of His teachings:

  1. The Kingdom of God Has Come Near: Understanding the central message of Jesus’ ministry.
  2. The World’s Most Important Sermon: Reflecting on the Sermon on the Mount and its implications for our lives.
  3. He Spoke to Them in Parables: Unpacking the parables and their timeless lessons.
  4. Who Do YOU Say that I Am?: Exploring the identity of Jesus and what it means for us.
  1. Final Words: Contemplating the significance of Jesus’ final teachings before His crucifixion.
  2. The Resurrection and the Life: Celebrating the hope and promise of the resurrection.

As we journey through Lent, let us open our hearts and minds to the transformative power of Jesus’ words. May we not only hear them but also live them, allowing His teachings to shape our lives and our community.

Blessings, Pastor Danyal